Home of The Flying Doctor Rowathon in Australia
The 32nd Flying Doctor Rowathon will be held on Saturday, September 13, 2025, hosted by Wentworth District Rowing Club, Wentworth, NSW.
Stay tuned to see what this year's course is going to be but, to get you interested, it may start above Mildura with crews rowing down to Mildura Rowing Club for morning tea then, as a flotilla, pass through lock 11 and on to Coomealla Golf club for lunch and a rest. The final leg will be down the Murray and up the Darling to Wentworth District Rowing Club.
So stay tuned.......
The organising committtee wish to thank the many organisations and people who provided grants, donated products for the shop or raffle and or donated money for our fundraising for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Please go to "Our Sponsors & Supporters" page to review the list of those special organisations and people.
Go to "The Rowathon Day" for details of the
Help us raise funds for the
Flying Doctor Wellbeing
Go to "Fundraising for RFDS" page